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Home / For Educators / Northern Coding Academy / Northern Coding Academy Digital Skills Week / Digital Skills Week: Fact Finders

Digital Skills Week: Fact Finders

Recommended for: Grades 5-7

What is research? How can we be sure the content we find online is accurate? Students will learn to think critically about the media they consume on platforms like TikTok and on the internet more generally. Learn about bias in the media, copyright laws, and why a graph isn’t always what it seems. This program highlights climate change, health, vaccines, and more

Fill in the form at the bottom of this page to register your class or school for this program

Best Curriculum Fit

Grade 5

  • [ELA] How can text organization support expression and influence meaning? How does the interpretation of evidence support comprehension of texts? How does proficient writing enhance communication skills?
  • [Science - Scientific Methods] How does evidence lead to understanding?

Grade 6

  • [ELA] How can text form and structure improve understanding of content? How do comprehension strategies enhance interpretations of texts? How is precise writing influenced by ongoing craft and process development?
  • [Science – Earth Systems] What relationships exist between climate and changes on Earth?
  • [Science – Scientific Methods] What is the purpose of scientific explanations?
  • [Science – Computer Science] Explore computational artifacts through the use of design and abstraction, and describe impacts of computers, coding, and technology.

Grade 7

  • [Social] Develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking; develop skills of media literacy
  • [ELA] Listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts; listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.

Classes cost $225.00 for four 45-minute sessions over four days
Additional classes booked by the same school are $50.00 per class.

To book a Digital Skills Week program for your school, please submit a request via the form below.
If you have questions, please email
