Amazon Adventure tells the epic, true story of explorer Henry Bates' fascinating 11-year journey through the visually stunning and biodiverse Amazon rainforest in the 1850's.
As in any great detective story, audiences will uncover the compelling clues that lead Bates to his major discovery: the phenomenon of mimicry, whereby certain animals adopt the look of others in order to deceive predators and gain an advantage to survive.
Little known to the public, Bates made other crucial contributions to biology as well, identifying 8,000 species new to science and most importantly, putting forward the first-ever case for the creation of a new species -- which Charles Darwin called the "beautiful proof" for Natural Selection.
Discover mind-boggling examples of camouflage, mimicry and be inspired by Bates' endless curiosity and determination to explore the wilds of nature!
Available in English & French
Best Curriculum Fit
Grade 1- Living Systems: Students investigate and examine the needs of plants and animals
- Earth Systems: Students analyze environments and investigate interactions and changes
Grade 2
- Living Systems: Students investigate the growth and development of plants and animals and consider their relationship to humans
Grade 3
- Living Systems: Students analyze and describe how plants and animals interact with each other and within environments
Grade 4
- Living Systems: Students analyze organisms and relate external structures to functions
Grade 5
- Living Systems: Students investigate the internal systems of organisms and explain how they support vital biological processes
Grade 6
- Living Systems: Students investigate the characteristics and components of and interactions within ecosystems
Grade 7
- Unit A: Interactions and Ecosystems
- Unit E: Planet Earth
Grade 8
- General Science
Grade 9
- Unit A: Biological Diversity
Biology 20
- Unit B: Ecosystems and Population Change
Biology 30
- Unit D: Population and Community Dynamics
Where: IMAX Theatre
Showtimes: Teacher's Choice
Age: All Ages
Entry: Additional Ticket Required
Rating: G
Length: 45 minutes
Where: IMAX Theatre
Showtimes: Teacher's Choice
Age: All Ages
Entry: Additional Ticket Required
Rating: G
Length: 45 minutes