In ROBOTS, host and narrator RoboThespian, a humanoid robot voiced by actor, comedian and filmmaker Simon Pegg (Star Trek, Shaun of the Dead), takes students on a lively tour of the world to meet a dozen of the most remarkable robots in Europe, Japan and the U.S.
From Robonaut, the first space robot handyman, and robot butlers and home helper humanoids, to eerily human-looking androids and remarkable rescue robots, the film showcases the latest cutting-edge efforts — and challenges — driving roboticists, engineers and scientists around the globe to new breakthroughs.
In ROBOTS, host and narrator RoboThespian, a humanoid robot voiced by actor, comedian and filmmaker Simon Pegg (Star Trek, Shaun of the Dead), takes students on a lively tour of the world to meet a dozen of the most remarkable robots in Europe, Japan and the U.S.
From Robonaut, the first space robot handyman, and robot butlers and home helper humanoids, to eerily human-looking androids and remarkable rescue robots, the film showcases the latest cutting-edge efforts — and challenges — driving roboticists, engineers and scientists around the globe to new breakthroughs.
Best Curriculum Fit:
Grade 3
- Computer Science: Students investigate creativity and its relationship to computational thinking
Grades 4:
- Computer Science: Students examine and apply design processes to meet needs
Grades 5:
- Computer Science: Students apply design processes when creating artifacts that can be used by human or machine to address a need
Grades 6:
- Students examine abstraction in relation to design and coding, and describe impacts of technologies
Where: IMAX Theatre
Showtimes: Teacher's Choice
Age: All Ages
Entry: Additional Ticket Required
Length: 45 minutes
Where: IMAX Theatre
Showtimes: Teacher's Choice
Age: All Ages
Entry: Additional Ticket Required
Length: 45 minutes