icon-fieldtrips Created with Sketch. Science Roller Coaster Science: Hybrid

This program has both in-person and pre-recorded components where creativity is in full force as students design and build their own model roller coaster!
Roller Coaster Science.jpg Roller Coaster Science.jpg
Roller Coaster Science.jpg Roller Coaster Science.jpg
Home / Explore / Experiences / Roller Coaster Science: Hybrid
  • Creativity is in full force in this two-part in-person and pre-recorded program as students design and build their own model roller coaster with a twist! Join in exploring the actions of these thrilling rides using the principles of potential and kinetic energy, velocity, inertia, gravity, and friction. Students will harness the power of science to create exhilarating motion.

    Students will prepare for their building experience by watching a pre-recorded video in their classroom before their in-person session at the TELUS World of Science - Edmonton.


    • One 45 minute virtual session introduction to the program
    • One 45 minute in-person session at TELUS World of Science - Edmonton to get hands-on.

    Best Curriculum Fit

    Grade 7

    • Unit D: Structures and Forces

Pre-recorded and TELUS World of Science - Edmonton

Grade 7

45 minutes

Pre-recorded and TELUS World of Science - Edmonton

Grade 7

45 minutes

Pre-recorded and TELUS World of Science - Edmonton

Grade 7

45 minutes

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