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Aurora Project Public Campaign Launch

Posted: Nov. 4, 2020

Home / Learn / Aurora Project Public Campaign Launch

Aurora Project Public Campaign Launch

Posted: Nov. 4, 2020

It is happening! If you have come by the science centre in the last few months, you know that we are under construction and that The Aurora Project is fully underway.

It is happening! If you have come by the science centre in the last few months, you know that we are under construction and that The Aurora Project is fully underway.

We need your help. With $2 million to go until we reach our $41.5 million goal, we are asking you to become a part of a group of donors that will push us over the finish line and build a brighter future for a child in your community.

Please consider making a donation of $10 a month or a one-time donation that will transform your science centre at www.twose.ca/donate .

Any gift that is made, great or small will inspire big dreamers through these innovative new spaces. Watch your mailboxes for a letter from us about the impact your donation will make.


We wish we could all be together in the science centre celebrating The Aurora Project. Know that we can’t wait for you to experience these new galleries when we fully re-open. Please make your donation today!

FAQ’s that you may be wondering:

What is The Aurora Project?

Visit here to learn all about this 20,000 square foot expansion and renovation of TELUS World of Science – Edmonton.

What difference will it make?

Your donation will create that moment of awe that forever changes a life and opens up a brighter future full of innovators and big dreamers.

What’s next for The Aurora Project?

Here is a breakdown of the new spaces added so far and what is coming soon! :

The Aurora Project Timeline

We wish we could all be together in the science centre celebrating The Aurora Project. Know that we can’t wait for you to experience these new galleries when we fully re-open. Please make your donation today!

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