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Our Favourite Science Books

Posted: Sept. 19, 2019 in: Behind the Scenes

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Our Favourite Science Books

Posted: Sept. 19, 2019 in: Behind the Scenes

A collection of book recommendations from our Science Staff in celebration of Science Literacy Week.

Every September, Canadian schools, libraries, community groups, and science centres celebrate Science Literacy Week. It's a great opportunity to have fun while encouraging science exploration and learning.

As part of our Science Literacy Week celebrations, we've asked our science staff to share their favourite science books. Below, you'll find a variety of book recommendations for many ages. Happy Science Reading!

The Martian

It is 2035. America Astronaut Mark Watney gets stranded on Mars and must improvise in order to survive. Written as a series of journal entries from Watney’s point of view, this novel has the perfect amount of technical details and wit to spark the imagination about future colonization and also entertain.

Submitted by Cate, Staff Scientist

Last Chance to See

Author Douglas Adams and zoologist Mark Carwardine go in search of exotic, endangered creatures. Hilarious and poignant, this book will give you a deeper appreciation for our Earth's creatures and their perilous existence.

Submitted by Bernadette, School Program Specialist

This Thing of Darkness

Historical novel recounting the travels of the HMS Beagle. While the voyage to the Galapagos where Darwin formulated his theory of Natural Selection is well-known, this novel offers a fascinating look into the life of Captain FitzRoy, a man who has fallen into obscurity despite being the father of weather forecasting.

Submitted by Mirabelle, Staff Scientist

Bob and Otto

This story of two best friends is a great story of friendship and an introduction to ecology. When the caterpillar turns into a butterfly, his earth worm friend is disappointed that he didn’t climb up the tree and metamorphosize as well. That is, until the caterpillar points out how the earthworm’s digging helped the tree to grow – he could have never turned into a butterfly without his friend’s help.

Submitted by Marie, Staff Scientist

Larry Gets Lost in Prehistoric Times

This romp through geologic time starts with dinosaurs (big, small, and in between), then continues through ice ages and the stone age. A rhyming storyline paired with science insets makes this book great for children of many ages.

Submitted by Sam, Staff Scientist

Quantum Physics for Babies (and other titles)

Chris Ferrie's children's books take very complex topics and break them down for the little geniuses in your life. The adults reading them might learn a few things too!

Submitted by Andrea, School Programs Specialist

Looking for more? Check out the book list at the official Science Literacy Week website.

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